Weeping Willow

Its graceful habit is effective as a specimen at the edges of ponds and lakes or any low spot in the landscape that retains water. It works well on slopes to prevent erosion. This tree has weeping, pendulous branches, stems are reddish-brown to yellowish-brown.

Eastern Cottonwood

This tree has an alternate leaf arrangement with 2 to 5 inch long, simple, triangle-shaped, deciduous leaves. These leaves have a toothed margin and an elongated tip. The tree has yellowish twigs, light to medium green, triangular shaped, coarsely toothed leaves, and gummy-ended buds that easily distinguish it from other species of poplar.

Black Willow

The bark of black willow is dark brown to black, developing deep grooves and a rough texture with shaggy scales as it ages. The wood is soft and weak, but is used for building crates, the cores of furniture, wooden utensils, and formerly used for building prosthetics. This tree also attracts pollinators!

Shagbark Hickory

The shagbark hickory is the symbol of the Pioneer Age. Shagbark hickory’s most prominent ornamental feature is its unique, smoke-gray bark that warps away from the stem in foot-long plates. The edges of long plates of bark curl away from the trunk, giving this tree a very rugged appearance. Its savory nuts attract squirrels and other animals.

Pignut Hickory

Pignut hickory’s nutritious nuts attract wildlife. Pignut hickory is best planted in a park-like area where its large size, leaf litter, fruit and twig drop will not be problems. Pignut hickory fruit has a small kernel with variable flavor, usually bitter and is fit to be eaten only by “pigs and other animals.”

Black Walnut

Black walnut is a common tree throughout Kentucky. The outer covering on the fruit is lemon scented and the nut is edible. The tree produces an open, rounded crown. Leaves are compound having approximately 16 leaflets with fine teeth along the margin.

Bitternut Hickory

It has large, compound leaves, a 1 inch, four-part nut, and yellow fall color. The gray-green bark has tight narrow ridges which become scaly on older bark. The bright yellow terminal buds are showy in winter. The alternate, compound leaves have 7 to 11 lance-shaped leaflets.

Black Gum

From waxy spring foliage and brilliant fall color to beautiful winter form, the black gum shows great ornamental value. It has unique, thick bark that is arranged in six-sided plates. Flowers are small and insignificant.

American Sycamore

This massive tree has large attractive leaves and interesting fruit clusters that remain on the tree into winter. The long, stout trunk has beautiful exfoliating bark. The planetree’s large leaves are maple-like although there is considerable variation in leaf shape and size. Fall color is not showy.


Sweetgum is an excellent urban tree provided it has a large area for root development. It has an attractive, uniform habit, dense, glossy green summer foliage and unique fall color, with several rich colors developing on a single tree.