Open Projects - Currently Accepting Bids
Recently-Closed Bids
Cable Television and Telecommunications Franchises
Courthouse 2nd Floor Renovation
Fitness Equipment for Warren County Parks and Rec Senior Center
Ball Field Fertilization, Weed Control, Seeding, and Aeration
Sport Field and Ball Field Supplies for 2024
HVAC and Mechanical Systems Preventative Maintenance
Pest Control Services for Parks Dept.
Mowing/Trimming Services for Parks Dept.
Playground at Michael O. Buchanon Park
Mulching Services for Parks Dept.
Roof Replacement at Sugar Maple Square
Submit a Bid in 5 Easy Steps
We work hard to make sure submitting a bid is as easy as possible. If you still need help, give us a call.
Step 1
Locate the project you wish to bid on in the section above titled “Open Projects.”
Step 2
Click on the document links located in the bullet points underneath the project title to download the bid documents. Bid documents may also be obtained at the Warren County Judge-Executive’s office.
Step 3
Sealed bids will be received in the Warren County Judge/Executive’s Office, 429 East 10th Avenue, Bowling Green, Kentucky until the date and time of opening.
Step 4
Bids will be opened immediately at the time of opening in the lobby area outside the Judge-Executive’s Office. Bids must be received by the designated date and time and none will be considered thereafter.
Step 5
Bidders must follow all bid instructions in the bid packet. Late or unsealed bids will not be accepted. The Fiscal Court of Warren County, Kentucky reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept the lowest and best evaluated bid. Warren County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contact Us
429 E. 10th Ave, Suite 201
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: 270.843.4146
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:30pm